The bites from those insects cause more than 1 million deaths each year, but a group of researches from N.C. State University have come up with a groundbreaking solution.
They’ve created insecticide free mosquito-resistant clothing that is 100% bite proof.
“Let’s start where it all begins. So, one of my job duties is taking care of the insectary. This is where we raise and rear all the mosquitoes,” Grayson Cave, an N.C. State grad student, said.
He cares for hundreds of mosquitoes, from their infancy to adulthood, inside the university’s entomology building.
This way, he and other researches can be certain the insects are disease free before they’re released for testing.
“We’ll do a test in here, so this is our walk-in cage,” Cave said.
Cave said a participant will enter a cage-like room before 200 mosquitoes are released on the subject.
But don’t worry, they’re protected.