Our first of its kind plant protection netting is made from a variety of agricultural spacer textiles and fabrics to keep insects from ever touching the crops. The outermost layer allows for rain, sunlight, and wind penetration, while the innermost layer allows for water vapor and air evaporation. A complex filament core layer creates a tortuous path to trap insects. This core lowers an insect’s fitness through numerous methods including dehydration, starvation, and damage to insect’s structure, meaning even if the insect is able to traverse the fabric, it cannot cause more damage to the plant. Not only is our versatile plant protection effective alone, but can be loaded with insecticides, repellants and fungicides in the core. This patent is pending under US application no. 11582968.
Our plant protection technology offers the first sustainable, chemical-free solution to adverse effects of insects on agriculture. Not only does our netting stop insect penetration, but can even render crops invisible to insects on the micro and macro/field scale. Our plant protection disrupts all sensory systems an insect could use to recognize plants stopping infestation of larvae. Due to the lack of chemicals, our technology increases crop yield, as much as it protects from insects, by reducing plant stress from heat, damage from high levels of light, damage from weather, as well as regulating water levels. Our plant protection regulates the crop microbiome from all levels of life: weeds, airborne microbes, large vertebrae (deer), and disease-ridden insects—all without chemicals.